It's kinda cool...actually it's really cool, the non-religious population of the earth is 2% higher than the Jewish population.  This in my mind is a step in the right direction in that people are awakening to logic, although in my own opinion a "non-religious" stance means one is confused on where to turn, or what to believe, which is truth and which isn't?  
    I do not preach Satanism to anyone, if someone asks a question, I will answer it granted it is not going to be a religious debate(and since banging your head against a wall would give you less of a head ache than trying to convince a xtian of logic).  
    Information gives us knowledge, knowledge takes away fear, and fear is the choice tool of the enemy.  Pay close attention, when speaking to a Satanist(if you have the honor of knowing one)we will not force our beleifs on you like a xtian  will when you deny Jewsus as your savior and what have you...I guess my point is that more and more are leaving the xtian based beleifs after seeing it for what it is...bullshit.

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