I am currently in an alcohol rehab program that has helped me tremedously, and I feel Father Satan saw that I needed this to function in life, and to better advance spiritualy.  The rehab program has about 17 other guys in it, me being the only Satanist, and during my time here everyone has figured out my beleifs and has'nt judged me for them based on the fact that they saw how  i act towards everyone.  You know, being respectful and what not. 
During the week we have numorous group sessions, one of which is spirituality twice a week, and of course run by a christian.  One of the guys in group stated he is an atheist, and how he felt that you don't need to be religious to be spiritual, and spoke up and agreed.  He then asked me of my beleifs as a Satanist, and before the topic could go any further the christian stopped us.  Her whole demeaner change as though she was afraid to hear Satans name, and she ended the group rather abruptly.
My point?  This is the fear and ignorance that many people have been brainwashed with by christianity over the centuries, and is a fear they, sadly, they  will never venture to alleviate, and will continue to live in a fear of something that offers no resolution to the afflictions it has caused over centuries.  the fear, which can be remedied with knowledge, will continue to rule their lives untill they pass to another plain, but I guess that is a good thing because as Satans followers grow in number(and they are)and followers of the christian god die off, eventually the extinction of the church will occur.

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